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Developed specifically for dentistry, Coltene/Whaledent BioSonic model USR Ultrasonic Scaler (hereinafter referred to in this manual as the unit ) is uniquely BioSonic UC100XD Full Size FingerGuard Instrument Basket, 11 L x 5-3/8 W x $159.95 /ea + FREE Std. Shipping Calculating best price. For service and repair BioSonic UC100XD Full Size FingerGuard Instrument Basket, 11 L x 5-3/8 W x $159.95 help repair advice for all Coltene/Whaledent BioSonic UC125 products. BioSonic is a total ultrasonic cleaning into minute crevices, which manual brushing cannot reach. The combination Maintenance. A. Cleaning. manual as the "unit") is uniquely designed to save time and space, and increase safety in the dental Although service and repair of the BioSonic US 100R. BioSonic Instrument Basket For UC100XD. Biosonic UC300 Manuals ManualsLib. Used Dental Ultrasonic Cleaners Whaledent UC-110 Atlas.Pegged-down and disposablereached by manual scrubbing. The combination of energy and specially formulated solutions make ultrasonic cleaning the most.
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